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Image by Geranimo


Wilderness Wisdom

Läs mer om vad våra gäster tyckte om Wilderness Wisdom - Rewilding Retreat. 

"Strength of the body and mind ,These are qualities that could been taken out of some great tale of an Antique warrior or a medieval knight , an ideal for a character that should prevail as the main pre-requisite for any never-ending tale the world of humans is made of.Qualities that for once , did not seemed so distant, into the reality we’ve experienced in the wild, with David & Lina.The wonders started as soon as we first stepped into the wonderful hidden valley of Navardalen , the wonderful and mysterious lake, the typical, warm and welcoming accommodations and the many smalls and sometime hidden places around that are in itself an invitation to discover and play around the property cared and maintained by Lina.The whole week revolved around a early breakfast, different activities that ranged from discovering and learning about the plants around us, discovering a way to filter our water or meditating in group ,to a lunch with always excellent food and delicacies , other activities with the scary but conquered ‘’ice bath’’ or endless back and forth between the sauna and the lake - always punctuated with nice conversations with the other guests and the wonderful hosts !Like the ice bath , some activities required some more ressources to be found in one-self, the night spent in a self made-shelter as much as the challenging landscape and weather have invited us to find in ourself the forgotten ability to thrive in challenging situations.David is not to forget anyone in the process and has shown deep trust into the strength of each participant during the tough moments, as a teacher , a friend and a model for anyone who pursue a life closer to a certain idea of truth and freedom.Both Lina and David are carrying within themselves a passion and a mystery:Pure, gentle and carrying for her guests and the entire world , Lina has no limits when it is about doing everything she can for us to feel good in any given situation that occurred throughout the experience.David has certainly a rougher edge but a real conviction about the idea of freedom and independence of the mind and the body and the will to teach much more than the average basic knowledge, you’re in for a total experience whatever your expectations !At the end, with all that regained self-confidence, that poetic feeling of leaving a part of you own soul over there and the certainty to have acquired a new found determination : strength of the body and the mind is no more an unknown object from the great tales,It has become a part of you, for you to write your own story with a greater wisdom and a more gentle force.I’m very grateful and hope I’ll get back there sometime!​​"



When u arrive at this magical place you can already feel the magic of nature around you, the place is stunning. 


The retreat was very flexible, from room/cabin choice, to food options. There was also plenty of time between activities for rest and relaxation. Great time to use the sauna and wash and fresh up in the beautiful lake.


As someone who is not physically super fit or experienced & has arthritis. i would advise to keep in mind it will be challenging.

This mainly because of the terrain being rough and steep hills. Luckily alot of help was offered and alternative transport like the boat were possible, this really helped me relief my joints & still make it possible for me to join. 


What i really loved is that there were multiple cosy spots to "hide away" in. If you wanted a bit more solitary space or calm down by urself you were able to do so. 


Lina & David both are amazing supportive people who will regularly check in with you to ask how you are doing. Lina is an amazing host, cook & motivational coach! David is an experienced expert in survival, living off grid & great story teller. Lina & David really make u feel safe and heard. 


I cant wait to return again some time.


Thank you for everything Navardalen. It was the most beautiful experience. The atmosphere felt enchanting and alive and it was unique and secluded in the best way, like having your own world to get to know the nature in together with others. It created opportunities to both growth and rest. To recharge and other times push your limits with new challenges.

The campfires together were the best and the big tipi tent was super cozy to live in! I really recommend it. An amazing retreat in the perfect environment.


Fästpunkt 1

Wild Women

Läs mer om vad våra gäster tyckte om Wild Women - a womens wilderness retreat. 

"An ADHD brain moves fast! Sometimes faster than we ourselves have time for. A thought disappears as quickly as it came and if we don't have time, it's gone.

That is why it is so important to give us the opportunity to reflect from time to time. To sometimes slow down so that we catch up with ourselves.

One way is to put the thoughts into words. To verbally process. Because the mouth cannot speak as fast as the brain works. Another way is to write. Nor does the hand move as fast as our head.

Or you go out into the forest, as I did. A weekend without a mobile phone, without distractions, even without a watch. Absolutely wonderful! I thought I would be bored but there was no risk. So many great opportunities to reflect, in groups and on your own. This was a weekend I will forever remember and will want to experience again!

Thanks to everyone who was there, I'm so glad I got to meet each and every one of you."


Wild Women


Läs mer om vad våra gäster tyckte om Freebirds - en skärmfri parweekend

"A month ago we were free birds for a weekend, It was John and I in a red cabin in the forest in Älvdalen without electricity & water. No mobile phones, but with a bucket list and a Polaroid camera. A wonderful experience via No Connection who made that we could turn off all the noise and live right here and now. Can highly recommend it to everyone. Already longing to go back."


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